New Moon Ritual
The new moon is a magical time for many reasons. Just like everything in life, the moon moves through cycles.
When there’s a “new moon”, it means it is on the same side of the earth as the sun. When this happens, the sun's light that reflects off the moon cannot be seen from your vantage point on earth.
Because the moon is symbolic of your inner world-and during the new moon, it cannot be seen-it only makes sense that the moon is asking you to go within.
Once a month, you are given the opportunity to work in harmony with the moon and get REALLY clear about what you want by doing some inner work.
Using this time to release whatever is not serving you is an amazing way to work with this energy and start anew.
How to do the Ritual
1) First, pick out a candle. I like to work with white candles for a new moon ceremony, as they represent newness, beginnings, purity, and manifestation.
2) You can then cleanse the candle by burning Palo Santo or Sage and gently waving your candle over the smoke for purification. You can just place your candle somewhere safe, away from anything that might catch fire.
3) Afterwards, using a small piece of paper, write down your new moon wishes or intentions for letting go. Make this anything you want. This is for your eyes only and will be burned into the ether.
4) It’s finally time to light your candle. As you do this, visualise whatever you want to let go of or bring new for the new cycle that is starting. Take your piece of paper with writing and hold it over the flame until it catches fire.
Quickly and safely, set your piece of paper into a fireproof bowl and watch as your new moon intentions burn into ashes.