Putting a Self Care Spin on New Year’s Resolutions

I know it's already the middle of January, but this new year has begun with a lot of challenges. Since returning from holiday, I feel like I've been swallowed up by routine in just a few weeks, and between viruses, fevers and lice, 15 days have gone by without me being able to stop and think about the new year. 

Although the New Year is just a continuation of our lives, it often brings a sense of new beginnings, which leads us to think about the changes we'd like to make in the New Year: the famous New Year's resolutions!

Over the past year, how often have you thought, "I never have time to do something for myself"? With the pace at which we live today and the demands we face, especially as mothers,  it seems there is little time left for ourselves. This often leads to autopilot, when we are constantly responding to the challenges and demands that arise, which creates high levels of stress and dissatisfaction rather than taking a conscious stance on our choices and how we would like to live our days.

There is no magic formula for finding time to practice self-care and live more mindfully. Nor do we all need the same things to fill our tanks. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, so the most important thing is to find out what makes you feel good, energised and more present in your daily life. When you try to have more awareness of your emotions and yourself, which means taking time to pause with intention, reflect and observe your body and feelings, the challenges are many in our fast-paced world, where there is often no room for just being with ourselves. It's up to us to break this cycle and take care of our mental and physical health because I am sorry to say, but if we don’t take responsibility for our well-being, no one will do it for us.

So, as we move into the year 2024, I invite you to consider the following questions:

* What do you need to recharge your drained energy?

* Do you know what brings you joy?

* Which boundaries can you have at home and work?

* What can you do for yourself every day (even if it’s for 15 minutes) to feel better?

 Now, I would like to ask you to think about your answers. How close are they to what is happening today?

These questions, which we can reflect on from time to time, bring us to a place of awareness about ourselves. They help us to be more consistent in the habits, attitudes and values we should adopt to become the best version of ourselves.

Remember, there are no magic formulas! But we can always take responsibility for our health and well-being!


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